Participate are working in partnership with Community Action Bradford & District, HALE and the VCS Alliance to deliver the Bradford Council VCSE support programme. Under the name Here 4 BDCC the partners are delivering:
- Capacity Building – developing people and organisational capacity and skills
- Insight and Information – delivering a database of VCSE organisations and a one-stop shop for resources and information online
- Citizen Engagement – building on engagement and coproduction in the sector to involve people in their communities
- Voice and Influence – gathering and promoting the collective community voice to enact change in public sector services
- Volunteering – promoting and enabling volunteering across the public, voluntary and business sectors
At Participate we are responsible for the delivery of Social Enterprise Support and Private Sector volunteering. Our team deliver direct support to trading VCSE organisations, social venture start up programmes, skilled business volunteering and team challenges across Bradford and District.