Schools and The Venturists

Schools and The Venturists2023-05-11T14:33:12+01:00

Welcome to The Venturists, unique projects that empowers young people to make a difference.

The project will have a huge impact on the young people, it will expand their horizons and any of the individuals involved will continue with the projects they start, or progress into volunteering and social action in a wider community in the future.

Why Choose Us?

The Venturists is a unique project designed for primary schools, in particular 9 to 11 years old, and gives young people the opportunity to start viable social action programmes. 

Our programme can be tailored to meet the needs of your school and adapted to ensure it is delivered in a way that suites you. The Venturist programme meets ofsted and national curriculum requirements making it a valuable asset to your school. It covers multiple subjects ranging from Reading, Writing, S&L, PSCHE, Citizenship, SMSC, British Values, PE, Enterprise and Foundation subjects. Therefore, the young people will benefit from developing a wide range of skills as well as having an active role in creating positive change in their community.

FAQs & Top Tips

Click on a question to see the answer.

What is ‘The Futurists Forum’?2021-05-11T11:36:35+01:00

This is a group of adults who the young people present their project ideas to resulting in them being awarded a proportion of The Funding Pot. It’s very much like the TV show ‘Dragons Den’. The planning in session 11 and the section in the portal ‘The Futurists Forum’ will explain this in more detail. It is really good fun and one of the highlights in the project.

How many young people should be in a project team?2021-05-11T11:39:00+01:00

2 or 3 young people in each team works really effectively but we have worked with young people who have developed a project on their own too.

How many young people can take part in the project?2021-03-31T15:57:13+01:00

We usually work with 10 to 12 young people in one team – we find this works well as everyone can be very proactive and contribute well throughout the project.

Who can I invite into school to talk to the young people about their projects?2021-05-11T11:38:22+01:00

We find the more people the young people are connected with the more passionate they become about their projects and the more impact the final project will have on the community and themselves. There are videos within the resources who will really inspire the young people too.

Do the young people have to complete the extension tasks on the lesson plans?2021-03-31T15:56:17+01:00

These are optional, but really valuable. We find that many of the young people engage with these activities at home and they really add value to their projects.

Shall I guide the young people into what project to choose?2021-05-11T11:41:13+01:00

It is really important that the young people choose their own projects based on the things that they want to improve in their communities. The lesson plans will help them make a good choice and decision that they are passionate about. The project is all about empowering and engaging the children to make a difference, so let them. We find that young people have no boundaries so sometimes you may need to just guide them towards a realistic project that is achievable within The Venturist time frame – then they can develop their project even further in the future if they choose! You can always look at Project Ideas for ‘The Venturists’ on the portal for some inspiration too – there are some great ideas.

What do I do if they all want to do a similar topic theme?2021-05-11T11:42:02+01:00

It is fine to do a really big project within The Venturists, and I am sure that the big ideas could be split into smaller projects for smaller groups or individuals to be responsible for. Participate are happy to help if you require some advice, just contact us.

Vision, Mission, Values


Every young person has the knowledge, skills and qualities to find their unique voice and realise their potential. With the power of independent, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking they are able to tackle the issues in their community for sustainable growth and make meaningful contributions to society.


The Venturists presents young people, in education and community settings, with the platform to explore the challenges and opportunities within their local community. Through creative enterprise coaching around the issues that are important to young people, a culture of collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking is achieved. Our Venturists are encouraged to explore their ideas to create change. These ideas are turned into real projects by our young people and, through opportunity and experience, find their powerful voice and independence. The Venturists inspires life-long learners, raises ambition and transforms the future of communities. Our Venturists develop leadership and communication skills. They realise personal qualities and abilities that create the opportunity for change and growth.



We are champions of fairness, individual needs and identities. We want all young people, regardless of background, to find their unique voice, to realise their power and to have the same opportunities and experiences to grow.


We believe in the power of people working together. Collaboration and partnerships, fostering positive relationships and developing mutual respect, is the only way to create positive change in communities.


We believe young people have the strength, ideas and tenacity needed to bring about change. We seek to create an environment in which they flourish, sharing skills, knowledge and understanding to help them change the world for a more sustainable future.


We understand that critical, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking fosters independence and personal growth. Young people become lifelong learners, own their futures and have a real stake in their communities.


We are ambitions for the young people we work with. We trust young people and their ideas. We value their views and respect their aspirations.

Venturist Kids